One thing we can count on heading into the UK-hosted COP26 is a proliferation of “net zero” emissions pledges from countries, financial institutions, and oil and gas companies. Skepticism is warranted.
OilWire #29: Shell loses in court (and its climate plan still = failure)
Perhaps Shell was hoping its new climate announcement last week would distract attention from its recent losses in court. While Shell’s actual ambition on climate remains grossly inadequate, recent court rulings against the company could have long-lasting consequences.
Press releases on oil and gas at COP26
11 Nov – Civil society reaction to launch of Beyond Oil and Gas Alliance 11 Nov – Youth call for a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty: Coal, oil, and gas are our generation’s weapons of mass destruction. 10 Nov – US Elected Officials Urge Plan to Phase Out Fossil Fuels 10 Nov – Planned UK Cambo … Read More
OilWire #28: Denmark leads oil phase-out. Will the U.S. follow?
We’re heading into 2021 with both new momentum for bold climate action, and jarring reminders that winning climate justice depends on defeating fascist, white supremacist movements rearing up to protect an unjust status quo.
OilWire #27: Change afoot in the USA — and the IEA
The outcome of the U.S. election — with power shifting from Donald Trump to Joe Biden — will have a major impact on the global climate fight and oil and gas sector, both in the U.S. and worldwide.
OilWire #26: A reality check for oil and gas companies
New analysis shows that not even one of the eight oil majors even comes close to the minimum baselines for an oil company to have the possibility of being aligned with the Paris Agreement goal to limit warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius (ºC).
OilWire #25: ‘Grim day’ for pipelines is great for climate justice
As uprisings against racial and colonial violence continue to sweep the world, activists and land protectors won major victories this week against three U.S. pipeline projects, each of which depended on environmental racism and exploitation of stolen land.
OilWire #24: The USD 77 billion per year edition
As governments begin to unveil trillions of dollars in recovery support and stimulus, now is the time to break old habits – such as the USD 77 Billion in public money that the G20 is still spending annually to finance oil, gas, and coal projects.
OilWire #23: Unmanaged decline to just recovery – what will it take?
As trillions of dollars are mobilised in stimulus and bailout packages worldwide, people and communities around the world have a chance to secure a just recovery, consistent with the ambition of the Paris Agreement, allowing us to build back better — powered by clean, renewable energy.
OilWire #22: Oil market crash; COVID-19 crisis; recovery packages and bailouts
We are currently witnessing the chaos of an unmanaged decline of oil, with laid off workers and producing countries with the least resources to absorb the fallout paying the immediate price.