Press releases on oil and gas at COP26

January 29, 2021COP26

11 Nov – Civil society reaction to launch of Beyond Oil and Gas Alliance 11 Nov – Youth call for a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty: Coal, oil, and gas are our generation’s weapons of mass destruction. 10 Nov – US Elected Officials Urge Plan to Phase Out Fossil Fuels 10 Nov – Planned UK Cambo … Read More

OilWire #26: A reality check for oil and gas companies

October 1, 2020Newsletter

New analysis shows that not even one of the eight oil majors even comes close to the minimum baselines for an oil company to have the possibility of being aligned with the Paris Agreement goal to limit warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius (ºC).

OilWire #24: The USD 77 billion per year edition

May 29, 2020Newsletter

As governments begin to unveil trillions of dollars in recovery support and stimulus, now is the time to break old habits – such as the USD 77 Billion in public money that the G20 is still spending annually to finance oil, gas, and coal projects.