UN Climate Talks

A guide to oil and gas at the UN Climate Talks

Background briefings on oil and gas

Briefing: The urgent need for action on oil and gas production at COP26
This four page document outlines why it’s important that governments act to phase-out production, what governments should do, and examples of leadership to date.

Summary of oil and gas developments from COP26

This video by Catherine Abreu, of Destination Zero, summarises the key developments around COP26 relating to the phase-out of oil and gas production.

Spokespeople to discuss oil and gas supply

Spokespeople & organisation
Beyond Oil and Gas Alliance (BOGA)
Catherine Abreu, Destination Zero; Romain Ioualalen, Oil Change International
Public Finance
Laurie Van de Burg, Oil Change International; Lucile Dufour, International Institute for Sustainable Development
Private Finance
Beau O’Sullivan, Sunrise Project
Fossil Fuel Treaty
Tzeporah Berman, Fossil Fuel Treaty Initiative
Registry of Fossil Fuels
Mark Campanale, Carbon Tracker
Just Transition
Gabrielle Jeliazkov, Platform London
Climate Science
Ploy Achakulwisut, Stockholm Environment Institute
Net Zero
Dipti Bhatnagar, Friends of the Earth International; Rachel Rose Jackson, Corporate Accountability
Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS)
Nikki Reisch, Center for International Environmental Law
Article 6
Erika Lennon, Center for International Environmental Law
Oil and Gas Industry
Mark Campanale, Carbon Tracker
National Oil Companies
Greg Muttit, International Institute for Sustainable Development
Legal Actions
Carroll Muffett, Center for International Environmental Law
Tessa Khan, Uplift; Euan Graham, E3G
Ryan Morrison, Friends of the Earth Scottland; Lauren MacDonald, Stop Cambo
Eddy Perez, Climate Action Network Canada – Réseau action climat Canada
Tom BK Goldtooth, Indigenous Environmental Network; Collin Rees, Oil Change International; Ethan Buckner, Earthworks
Aled Fisher, Friends of the Earth Norway (Naturvernforbund)
Marí­a Marta Di Paola, Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Natural Argentina (FARN)
Illan Zugman, 350.org Brazil
Costa RIca
Pia Carazo, Quantum Leap
Nnimmo Bassey, Oilwatch Africa
Lidy Nacpil, Asian Peoples Movement on Debt and Development (APMDD)
Lavetanalagis Seru, Pacific Islands Climate Action Network

About this guide

This guide is produced by the Global Gas and Oil Network (GGON). With over 180 organisations across more than 50 countries, GGON is a network helping to achieve a managed phase out of oil and gas production in order to keep global temperature rises within 1.5°C, through a just transition and at an equitable pace for all countries.